Partner registration will be available via the host an activity page on the website or you can contact us directly.
A Hotdog lunch is provided and bottled water is provided. It is up to you if you would like to pack snacks and other nonalcoholic beverages.
Attendees may come in groups, registration is required for all people attending. Youth must be accompanied by adults.
There are designated handicapped parking spaces. Most activities are accessible via roads or paths.
The shooting park is located just south of Alexandria, MN. View the map here.
Sign up is not required for individual activities. Activities are first come, first serve.
Youth Outdoor Activity Day runs from 10:00 to 4:00 p.m.
All attendees, youth and adults must register. Adult registration will be requested at checkout after you select the number of youth tickets you need. However, adults do not need tickets to attend.
We encourage preregistration on the individual event page online. Other attendees can register at the event.
All equipment needed at the Youth Outdoor Activity Day is provided. We ask that you not bring personal equipment. Using personal equipment at the Youth Outdoor Activity Day is not permitted.
- A desire to learn and have fun and a willingness to try something new.
- Sunscreen is a good idea as shade is limited.
- Water is available at the event, however you may choose to bring beverages to stay hydrated.
- This is an outdoor event, check the weather conditions and bring appropriate clothing.
There is so much local and regional support for the Youth Outdoor Activity Day that it is not feasible to list all of the partners in a FAQ. Please see the Partners page for a complete listing.
Watch the events calendar for upcoming events. Email notifications of upcoming outdoor activities will be sent to those who provide an email address. Check the Partners page for links to their upcoming event. An outdoor activity Calendar page is under construction.
- Register online on the event page and bring the signed registration forms with you.
- There will be lines for the activities. One strategy to combat the lines is to start at the far end of the grounds and work back toward the entrance. Golf carts will shuttle people from registration to the far end of the event. Transportation will be available from the parking area to the registration.
- Stay hydrated and take a break when needed.
Registration is important because during registration you sign an insurance waiver that allows us to host this event. Registration also allows us to gage participation and plan for future events.
There is no cost to the participants. There are many partnering organizations that fund and volunteer to make the event possible. Please see the Partners page for a complete listing. Also if you enjoy the day, please pick a Partner or two and send them a thank you.
The Youth Outdoor Activity Day is a free family friendly event intended to provide youth a fun environment in which to learn about outdoor recreation. The event includes trap shooting, archery, hunting, angling and over thirty hands-on skill building activities. Adults are encouraged to participate with their youth. Our goal is to instill a lifelong interest, love, and respect for the outdoors and the environment in today’s youth. Complimentary tee-shirts are given to youth 15 years of age and under.
The event is targeted for youth ages 3 to 15, although any youth may participate. This year we will have activities younger children. There may be age or size limits on some of the activities.